There is a secret that few people know and it happens to be the key to maintaining a youthful appearance. As we age, all sorts of physical changes take hold; our skin, hair, weight, and posture are affected, in addition to many other physiological changes. While some of these physical adjustments affect our internal health, others plague our outward appearance and may cause some individuals to feel as though they’ve lost their luster.

Most people spend their time and money attempting to smooth out wrinkles, drop five pounds, or keep their hair from going gray, they fail to address the one feature that is consistently ranked most important in surveys regarding physical appearance: your smile.

Fact: Great Smiles Get Great Mates/ Hit the Dentist’s Office, Not the Gym

The British Dental Health Foundation conducted a study, which found that an attractive smile is the single most important physical attraction feature when meeting and interacting with others. When rating various facial features and their relative importance on a scale of 1-10, a good smile averaged 9.33/10.

In fact when seeking a new partner, an attractive smile is the most sought-after attribute. In several national surveys, great smiles beat out all other aspects of physical attraction, including body shape/size, personal style, and eye color. In other words, the vast majority of respondents would prefer a mate with a charming grin over someone thinner or better dressed. According to a national survey, 38% of Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone who has misaligned teeth, while only 23% would dump a date who lives with his or her parents.

Fact: Confident Smiles Win Big Opportunities

It’s one thing for your smile to affect your odds of finding a date for Friday night…but did you know that is also affects your chances of getting a job or a promotion? A study conducted by the research company, Kelton, found that we perceive individuals with straight teeth to be more capable. Therefore, people with straight teeth are 45% more likely to get a given job or promotion than someone who has a similar skill set and experience who happens to have crooked teeth. We also perceive people with straight teeth as 58% more likely to be successful and wealthy.

Fact: Updating Your Smile is Easy and Painless

Unlike other products, you can be sure that a whiter, brighter smile will definitely improve your overall appearance. Furthermore, the options for modern cosmetic dentistry are easy to understand and faster than ever when performed by a knowledgeable dental professional.


For a Cosmetic Dental Update, Look Into:

  • Whitening treatments
  • Veneers
  • Tooth-colored Fillings
  • Implants
  • Clear Orthodontic Aligners
  • Dentures and Bridges

Don’t Be Shy, Get In Touch!

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