“Tooth replacement” refers to the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth. The best tooth replacement options are often implants and dentures.

A missing tooth can cause a few different issues for patients. First, missing teeth leave gaps between other teeth. These gaps seem innocuous enough, especially toward the back of the mouth. However, gaps encourage movement. This means that remaining teeth will shift over time to fill in the space left by a missing tooth. Shifts such as these can make your smile appear crooked and may even compromise the integrity of the remaining teeth. In certain cases, if a patient also has other dental structures in place, tooth movement may disrupt existing dental work. These shifts can cause frustrating, costly issues.

Aside from causing unwanted movement, missing teeth can significantly compromise your ability to eat certain foods. Missing a front tooth, for example, would make biting into anything challenging. Something as simply as a sandwich may pose a problem. Meanwhile, missing teeth in the back can make chewing tough foods, like meat or crunchy vegetables difficult. A missing tooth also leaves the edges of adjoining teeth exposed, leaving them more susceptible to chipping/ sensitivity.

Of course, the most compelling reason for tooth replacement is often smile confidence. When a patient is missing a visible tooth, it can make speaking, smiling, and social interaction embarrassing. Many people may avoid social situations altogether as a result. There is a better way! By utilizing modern dental technology, patients can replace missing teeth and restore their smiles. Implants and dentures give patient options for recovering their smile confidence!

So, what are your options for replacing missing teeth?

We’re glad you asked!

There are two ways to replace missing teeth: dental implants or prosthetic options such as partials and dentures. See the graphic below to learn more about the benefits of each option!

See what the 'A' Team can do for your smile!

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