The most wonderful time of the year is finally upon us. Every year, it seems that a lot of running around and a whole bunch of events accompany the holidays. Office gatherings, neighborhood potlucks, and all manner of parties typically pack the calendars from Halloween straight through the New Year. Additionally, many host holiday traditions in their homes or visit loved ones they haven’t seen all year. Of course, everyone wants to look their best for the many places and people they will encounter over the next few months. However, for many, this is a high-pressure season that leaves them feeling run-down and less-than confident. Luckily, there are a ton of options available to help you look your best.

Updating your smile is one of the greatest ways to appear more radiant this holiday season.

In fact, the benefits of sprucing up your smile are nearly unmatched in a world full of cosmetic options. The British Dental Health Foundation conducted a study which found that an attractive smile is the single most important physical attraction feature when meeting and interacting with others. That’s right; your smile is the first thing others notice when you connect with them! It’s also a major factor in overall confidence and your ability to easily socialize with others. If you feel like you have to be careful about how widely you smile or how much you laugh because of your teeth, the holidays are a great reason to get yourself the confidence boost you deserve and need at this time of the year.

Your smile can make you look much older than you really are…

Because your smile is one of the first and most important features that others notice while interacting with you, it can really make or break your appearance! If you look in the mirror and feel as though you seem more run-down or less youthful than you once appeared, the problem may be your teeth. Outdated dentistry such as metal fillings, obvious crowns, and chipped bonding make your teeth seem worn or patched-up. Additionally, tissue recession and tooth staining add years to your smile.

Studies conducted by research companies such as the British Dental Health Foundation have gathered data on this phenomenon which shows how, of all your facial features, your smile can affect others’ perceptions of your age the most severely. This study showed that when rating various physical features and their relative importance on a scale of 1-10, a good smile averaged 9.33/10.

But it can also take years off of your face!

Luckily, there are a lot of simple solutions for fixing outdated dentistry. For example, more and more people are choosing to have this metal fillings and crowns removed and replaced with natural-looking alternatives. Swapping metal for more modern materials is a great way to laugh and speak with greater confidence, because whenever you open your mouth, fillings and crowns will not be visible to others.



Missing teeth?

Another treatable issue that many deal with is missing teeth. A missing tooth, especially one that is visible whenever you eat, smile, or speak can certainly give you an older-looking, less-than-ideal smile and sap your confidence. Modern dental technology has eliminated the need to feel embarrassed about missing teeth with the development of strong, natural implant technology. With the use of implants, your missing teeth can be replaced without the need for any removable partials, bridges, or dentures.


Need to brighten your smile?

Most importantly, simple cosmetic issues such as bonding or staining are truly easy to update. Bonding issues can be easily resolved in one appointment and make a big difference, especially in photos. For staining, instead of getting temporary results after weeks of at-home whitening treatments, teeth can easily be brightened with a quick in-office whitening, just in time for your next big event. After just one quick visit, your smile will be whiter than it has been in years.

At the very least…

Your teeth can be cleaned! Many people are amazed at how much a clean mouth can do for their confidence. Routine dental hygiene visits will improve the overall appearance of your smile, help keep your breath fresher and give you a polish you need to smile more confidently!

Your smile truly is the most important accessory you will travel with this season. Any small changes you make will be sure to give you the boost you need to keep your spirit merry and your smile bright.

Don't be shy!

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